Jun 1Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Excellently written. The situation we find ourselves increasingly in is both sad and pathetic. Where are our saviours going to come from??

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Jun 2Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Love it! Painfully accurate connecting such seemingly disparate things that are in fact so well connected … and written with wit. Bravo! πŸ‘ πŸ‘πŸ‘

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I seem to recall reading that privatizing alcohol sales would add billions to our GDP. "Modernizing alcohol retail holds the potential to deliver significant economic benefits to Ontarians. The Retail Council of Canada estimates, based on the experience of British Columbia, that it could increase Ontario's GDP by $3.5 billion and generate up to 9,100 jobs.1 It could also save Ontarians hundreds of millions of dollars every year by creating more opportunities for one-stop shopping. The Ministry of Finance estimates the value of time saved by being able to buy alcohol while shopping for other items could be up to $250 million per year." If that's the case, then maybe the $250 million expenditure was good from a cost/benefit analysis point of view.

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