Sep 14Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Well said! The video clip says a lot about the state we are in. LOL

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Sep 16Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Your warning is well taken. I often worry that our complaints, however justified, focus too much on one person and not enough on the general policy direction of both the Liberals and NDP. By doing that Canadians open themselves up to a leadership switcheroo al la Carney or some other "new" face along with the promise that everything will be different now. I certainly worked down south. "Be unburdened by what has been", "Conservatives focus on the pastmwe focus on the future", etc.

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Sep 14Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

That video clip is how I feel whenever a Liberal appears on the television screen.

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A good reminder for all. There’s been plenty of carnage and surely there will be Carney-age too. Let’s just hope the constant tug and stretch to the far left doesn’t result in a snap to the far right.

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I have trouble seeing any time in our future when a far-right correction will be happening in Canada, though it is a very subjective term. To some, anything other than the nanny state currently in place will be considered far-right. I’ll be keeping my eye on policies – and nothing being proposed so far by anyone moves beyond gentle centrism, in my opinion.

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