Interesting article, and accurate in its basic premise. Under Jughead, the NDP have lost the script. This country could tolerate social reforms based on ideology as long as there was a reasonable chance that these reforms could be paid for. That is long gone under Singh's leadership.

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Feb 24·edited Feb 24

Interesting article from the un-named Pragmatic Canadian. It seems this pragmatist wishes for Canadians to have, similar to the USA, only 2 choices on vote day. Many of the good things that Canadians enjoy (Universal healthcare; CPP; and more) came from NDP social ideas, things even Cons wouldn't dare try to remove. Jagmeet propped up the Libs so we can have a stable government and to force the Libs to pass legislation to benefit citizens. Now as an election looms, he seems to want to separate his party from the Liberals, who will, and are already, claiming that the Dental program; Pharmacare was their idea. Canada is wealthy,but doesn't share well. NDP governments (provincially at least) have always balanced the books. Pragmatic seems to want more USA style polarization. Canadians deserve a third (or fourth, fifth!) choice. What we really need is electoral reform.

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Another awesome piece John. Welcome to a 2 party political system where the galvanized left moves far to the left and our conservatives to the right. As a fiscal conservative and social liberal … I no longer have a party to vote for … yet many I speak with share my views of the ideal party … but why is there not such a party? My bigger concern of these costly social programs is not just the cost and inevitable overruns but how the continued fast paced growth of our population is going to drain the coffers of tax funds at a Dyson vacuum pace.

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