I wholeheartedly agree with this piece. The summary in the last paragraph says it all.

I just want simple effective governance which can demonstrably be seen to be implemented for all Canadians.

The one real thing that has bothered me the most about our current head clown and circus, is their obvious attention to one part of Canada over another. Sucking up to the Maritimes, having a live fest with Quebec and snubbing large parts of the west is simply unforgivable.

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If Pierre and the CPC can

1. Reverse Bill C 75, Bill C 18,

2. Manage drug addictions through healthcare and rehabilitation, enforcement,

3. Remove Canada involvement with WEF, WHO and the UN, and their propaganda,

3. Energy self sufficiency

alone the forgoing actions will return safety, morality, freedom, integrity, economy, Canada, “God keep our land, glorious and free”

I can like a Politician if they are working for the people and not the billionaire cabals who rule the world.

Merry Christmas,


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Amen! This is a really spot on perspective. The concept of substance rang through for me. No more preaching, promising, and deflecting. Canada needs substantive measures to restore what Trudeau and his party have dismantled at home and abroad. Thanks cuz for your great writing. Very enjoyable and informative.

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