17 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs agoLiked by Pragmatic Canadian

Another great piece bringing into focus all that will end the world as we know it. I wonder if there is a correlation between such frequent use of “existential” and it being fed to us across so many devices, platforms and channels seemingly 24/7 and the level of stress and anxiety that exists amongst our population. Every thing is “breaking news”, imminent danger, “this just in”, “how to plan for” … you name it. Thanks for your great writing. I have to run now … there is an existential threat if I don’t have my second cup of coffee :-)

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I once went on leadership training course on how to discuss performance issues without making things worse. The nugget that stuck with me was "don't overstate your case." Exaggeration for the purpose of driving home your point is quite properly rejected by the person you're trying to influence who will see your efforts as undermining them whether deliberately or through a misunderstanding of the issue in question.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Pragmatic Canadian

That is MY hated overused word too. Thanks for this article. Timely and thoughtful as usual!

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