Mar 10·edited Mar 10Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

A well written piece that counters the whirlwind of “sky is falling” messages we are fed daily. Not sure what the answer / solution is. Yes, surely the climate is changing … perhaps if we can just get all the cows on earth to stop farting, we’d be at net zero fast!

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Mar 9Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Well-written and I too align with your referenced sources, particularly Bjorn Lundberg. Guess we need to keep the conversation going!?

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Mar 9Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

A great summary for those of us invested in climate skepticism but an even better introduction to those who are just starting to take a harder look at the climate mandates.

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Mar 9Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Very well summarized, thank you

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Great article and I agree with everything you say.

It may be a bit long to have the effect of a pinewood 2X4 under the chin that most people will need to get on board the climate sceptic train, although the sensitivity is rising driven more by the costs and pain of NetZero more than the scientific truth.

The real target is our national government, and they need to re-open the scientific discussion. This will have to wait until the next election for sure.

Its pointless talking with the UN as they have a stoked agenda and should be classed as the enemy of the truth in this regard.

Here is an article I did on the same subject..

Take Back Manufacturing – Climate Realism (brainzmagazine.com)


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Thank you for the feedback, Nigel.

I've also read your referenced article and it is excellent. It seems we are finally getting some reasonable broader pushback on the dogmatism of net zero/climate change, though very far to go.

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Yep... we must keep trying and we will win but only after we have disadvantaged ourselves badly…

We have the woke aligned tree huggers firmly established. For them its not about the science or the truth but about a religion of self righteousness and to hell with the consequences.

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Sure, questioning is important, and media can often be sensationalist, but be skeptical and do nothing? Capitalism run amuck will probably ruin the possibility that humans can remain on earth, but yes, the planet will be fine.

Oh, and I'd rather listen to the "bully pulpit" of an researched Al Gore than a anti-science Donald Trump. Business as usual? Let's calm down, live within our means and share the wealth among the people who are here. Our main problem is probably population growth, how many humans can the planet handle?

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Hello Fred. Few propose to do nothing. Including from the authors referenced in the article, there are countless approaches in areas of mitigation, adaptation and innovation along with a focus on increasing energy access to promote prosperity and GDP growth, particularly in developing nations. And while some of these ideas are referenced within the article, the main thrust is that we must rebase and reframe the issue so it’s rooted with more fact, less hyperbole and sensationalism – and apply solutions that are not just the narrow and very costly approaches currently being promoted. Hope you enjoy your continued reading.

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