Sep 8Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Good article. Give me tetchy over the oily comms crap any day.

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Maybe Authoritarian for wanting to invoke Article 33. After saying that, he gave me the creeps.

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The Notwithstanding Clause (Section 33) has been invoked several hundred times now by the Provinces most notably Quebec. It is a Constitutional tool to be used judiciously and open for the federal government to employ. Given our unelected, influential and often ideologically skewed Courts in Canada, having this Constitutional tool to push back on certain issues is not a bad thing, though it is a dangerous door to open. At minimum, I would not call its potential use "authoritarian".

This article I wrote on the topic may be of interest. https://open.substack.com/pub/pragmaticcanadian/p/notwithstanding-a-fracturing-confederation?r=2l9qgc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Well you have the issue of a broken parliament now. Nsicop found treason. Parliament does nothing. Major ramifications if an election goes ahead without arrests.

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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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