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Sep 3Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Wow! Yeah, WOW! Perhaps I am being a little self congratulatory because it mimics my sense exactly though says it much better than I ever could. I spent my life in secondary education, a life confronted daily by the dumbest credentialed class on planet earth. For the most part, they were not in classrooms though classrooms do have their share of ignoramuses. Oozing little men in suits, the credentialed supervisors, consultants, educrats were everywhere. Advanced degrees from diploma mills scattered throughout the Country and not enough common sense or useful knowledge to push a wheelbarrow. But, good god, couldn't they pontificate! For eight years, I was one of them. For eight years, I lived with the fear of being caught, of being discovered as one of the many doing nothing useful, just collecting a pay cheque. When I confessed my thoughts to a friend, he consoled me thusly: "Fear not! The scam that you have going is minor compared to the scam of the one above you, and, the scam that he's working on is minimal compared to the scam that's operating above him. On and on it goes". Contrarians were considered negative and not welcomed in the education racket - it is a racket - and it needs contrarians like no other. Anyway, today at the ripe young age of 75, I am renovating my bathroom. It requires a little familiarity with plumbing, electrical, drywalling, etc. Useful skills that I aquired while building three of my own houses in the last 50 years. Haven't read much of Nietzsche, but too much of history. I have to get back to that damn bathroom!

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