May 18Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

Dealing with student mental health issues has become a significant pre-occupation of the post-secondary sector. My hypothesis? This is directly related to the obsession with safety, sheltering, and "snow-plowing" away any barriers or adversity our children may face, leading to a lack of resiliency, confidence, and fortitude in the face of any adversity. The response is more such measures and practices, which just feeds into this downward spiral.

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May 13Liked by Pragmatic Canadian

An absolute home run!! The slippery slope started decades ago and we are now in a full free fall. The sad truth is that we are unfortunately like the frog in the water completely oblivious to the danger (I do get the irony of using that word) to our society and the pleasure that we get out of life. It may already be too late but I hope not.

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Thank you again for a nicely written piece, although I do believe that some, but surely not all, safety measures implemented since I was a lad are warranted. The fact that we are still here to enjoy life, despite the lack of seatbelts, car seats, protective helmets, tamper proof pill bottles and etc., does not take into account the many who were seriously injured or died as a result of those safeguards not being in place. Each of us could have been one of the countless unfortunate ones - it may simply be our statistical good fortune. That said, yes … I agree there is too much overreach and blatant overuse of “safety” in our world today. Have a great, and safe, week 🤣

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